Save the Date! Saturday, September 30th, 6 – 8pm
I am excited to announce Under the Surface, a solo show of work from my Boat Hull series at Roman Fine Art gallery in East Hampton. On exhibit will be images that span the series from its origin years ago in Montauk through my trip last month photographing Argentine hulls around Buenos Aires. I will be at the gallery this Saturday, September 30th, from 6 –8pm for an informal reception - hope to see you there!
There will also be an opening reception on Saturday, October 7, from 6 – 8pm during the weekend of the Hamptons Film Festival. Make it a weekend of both still and moving images!
Under the Surface: Friday, September 29 – Sunday, October 29th. Roman Fine Art gallery, 66 Park Place, East Hampton, NY 11937
Pictured above: Island Runner, a passenger ferry photographed outside of Burlington, VT in 2015.